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Balboa Park offers performing arts spaces, museums of every variety, incredible gardens, recreational opportunities, as well as a plethora of unique dining and shopping options. Spend the day with your dog taking in the rich cultural and social atmosphere, stunning Spanish Revival architecture, and natural beauty of Balboa Park. Leashed pets are welcome throughout the park. Be sure to check out the off-leash areas as well! Admission to the park is free. Ticket prices for individual attractions vary.
Policy Details
Dogs must be leashed and under control of owner at all times throughout the park, including trails and canyons.
There are two exceptions: 2 legal areas designated and posted as 24 hour dog-off-leash zones at:
Balboa Dr. at El Prado, Nate's Point, south side of Cabrillo Bridge
Morley Field, northwest of tennis courts. SDMC 63.0102(b)(2)
Grape St. Park is designated and posted as dog-off-leash area during the following times: Monday-Friday, 7:30--9:00 p.m.; Saturday, Sunday & Holidays, 9:00--9:00 p.m. Dogs off leash other than the posted times is a violation of SDMC 63.0102(b)(2)(c)
Owners must pick up and dispose of dog feces in all areas.